History Behind the Name & Logo
Here's the breakdown...

Why a Yellow Buckled Butterfly You Ask?

The Butterfly - A Sign
Following the crash, Shea-Lynn's family and friends developed a connection with butterflies. On numerous occasions, various family members and friends had separate and unexplained interactions with butterflies. Some could say these were coincidences. For her family and friends, a belief was formed that a visit from a butterfly was a "sign" of her visiting from the spirit world.


The Seat Belt - The Reason
There are many things to learn from the crash that resulted in Shea-Lynn's death. However, the central issue, as to why Shea-Lynn is not here today, is that she was not properly secured in a seat belt. This very act could have saved her life. With that in mind, the seat belt needed to be represented on the butterfly, central to the butterfly's existence. It is what drives this initiative home - the need for seat belt compliance at all times in order to get home safely.

The Butterfly - A Personal Connection
It stems from a personal connection that Shea-Lynn had with "the butterfly". Not long before her passing, she considered getting a butterfly tattoo. For her, it represented how she always saw herself as the "ugly caterpillar" but her friends saw her as the beautiful butterfly, transforming as butterflies do. As she became a teenager, she too recognized how she was evolving. It was beautiful to witness as a parent.

The Butterfly Effect - Creating Change
A theory centered around the concept that every small event or tiny action taken could start a domino effect in its own regard. This theory is known as the "The Butterfly Effect. " It suggests that one small event can trigger a series of other events that over time can lead to something different, even significant for that matter. This certainly happened when the news broke about Shea-Lynn. A shock wave ran through the community and was felt abroad. This single event created a ripple effect, impacting how some people saw the world and shaped the choices they made within it. We her parents did not want the impact to end there, so we created Shea-Lynn's Butterfly Effect to spread awareness. It starts small. We all only have one voice; but together, we have the potential to create something significant over time as our message and Shea-Lynn's story ripples through communities and touches people's lives. It's a shared responsibility. So by continuing to tell Shea-Lynn's story, we hope to create our own Butterfly Effect. We want Shea-Lynn's story to influence the choices made by both the young and old, so that everyone gets home safe.

The Colour Yellow - A Fan Favourite
Naturally, yellow is a good colour for a butterfly, but it also happens to be one of Shea-Lynn's favourite colours. When she wore yellow, she radiated. So yellow had to be combined into the logo.